Physical fields of planar sonars which consists of cylindrical piezoceramic emitters

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Александр Григорьевич Лейко
Олександр Ігорович Нижник


Using related fields method in multi related areas the problem of sound emitting by planar sonar, which consist of cylindrical piezoceramic emitters was solved. This solution allows us to take into account the interaction of electrical, mechanical and sound fields during the process of converting electrical energy into acoustical and the interaction of the transmitters in the sound field, which is caused by numerous reflections of sound waves from the elements of the sonar. The analytical expressions, that allow to compute characteristics of all physical fields, that take part in sonar operation were obtained. Reference 11, figures 1.

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How to Cite
Лейко, А. Г., & Нижник, О. І. (2015). Physical fields of planar sonars which consists of cylindrical piezoceramic emitters. Electronics and Communications, 20(2).
Acoustical devices and systems


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