Electromagnetic and thermal processes in invertors for the coagulation of biological tissue

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Евгений Дмитриевич Дзюба
В. В. Перекрест


Around the world, studies in the field of minimally invasive radio frequency electrosurgery. One of the most progressive areas of high-frequency electrosurgery is the high-frequency welding and overlapping vessels. The paper presents a model of the biological tissue and the control algorithm for high-frequency electrosurgical inverter. The features of the model building process of heating of biological tissue with the necessary parameters and assumptions in the calculations. The main principles of the algorithms and control laws for specific initial conditions. The calculations and results were obtained. Reference 6, figures 11.

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How to Cite
Дзюба, Е. Д., & Перекрест, В. В. (2015). Electromagnetic and thermal processes in invertors for the coagulation of biological tissue. Electronics and Communications, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2015.20.2.47788
Biomedical devices and systems


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