Fuzzy clustering methods application for Alzheimer’s diseases diagnosis based on PET images

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Ihor Eduardovych Krashenyi
Anton Oleksandrovych Popov
Haver Ramirez
Huan Manuel Gorriz


This work was dedicated to clustering methods application in fuzzy inference system for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis using PET-images. Three methods (Subtractive Clustering, C-means and Fuzzy Grid Partition) of clustering were discussed and their performance in Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis were measured. Recommendation of the future use of Subtractive Clustering algorithm in the computeraided diagnosis system for Alzheimer’s disease are given. The performance of this algorithm is AUC=0,8791.

Ref. 20, fig. 3, tab. 3.

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How to Cite
Krashenyi, I. E., Popov, A. O., Ramirez, H., & Gorriz, H. M. (2016). Fuzzy clustering methods application for Alzheimer’s diseases diagnosis based on PET images. Electronics and Communications, 21(2), 56–62. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2016.21.2.51681
Biomedical devices and systems


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