Methods of Data Obtained With MagnetocardiographyAnalysis

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Yevhenii Yevheniiovych Udovychenko


Non-invasive diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases is one of the most important problems of modern cardiology. Important place among diagnostic methods takes Magnetocardiography (MCG) - method of noninvasive electrophysiological study of heart that provides contactless registration and analysis of mag-netic fields generated by electrical activity of the myocardium during cardiac cycle over the human chest. The paper discusses the main ways of representing MCGdata, their advantages and disadvantages. Also in our work the overview of existing methods of analysis of MCGdata, including current density distribution maps is given, and the directions for further researchare defined.

Ref. 26, figs. 9.

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How to Cite
Udovychenko, Y. Y. (2016). Methods of Data Obtained With MagnetocardiographyAnalysis. Electronics and Communications, 21(3), 40–50.
Biomedical devices and systems


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