Dynamic electro-cost model of the power generation system

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Ivan Yuriiovych Boiko
Valerii Yakovich Zhuikov


Regulation of electricity prices is based on the consideration of static data that does not allow to evaluate the dynamic change of tariff prices in local isolated systems. When a jumpy change in isolated power generating system with diesel generator, which is usually the main permanent source of electricity in such systems, there is a change of tariff price which can not be taken into account when using static models. This article presents a dynamic model that combines, on the one side, the energy performance of the power system, and the other - economic indicators of the macroeconomic closed system. An example is an isolated system, that contains a diesel generator and consumers. Created model allows to investigate the effect of transient processes in generator on changing the economic system cost indicators and estimate an adequate tariff price for both producer and consumer of electricity.

References 10, figures 6, tables 3.

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How to Cite
Boiko, I. Y., & Zhuikov, V. Y. (2016). Dynamic electro-cost model of the power generation system. Electronics and Communications, 21(6), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2016.21.6.67441
Power electronics


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