Multichannel wireless electronic system for recording the signal of the surface electromyogram

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Arsen Savchuk
Anton Oleksandrovich Popov


This article is aimed at developing electronic system for recording the signal of surface electromyogram.  

The system consists of the instrumental amplifier, analog filters, recording system based on the micro-controller, Bluetooth radio module and specialized software for microcontroller. Multichannel wireless elec-tronic system for recording the signal of the surface electromyogram. The article includes the basics knowledge of neurophysiology, main principals of registration the signal of surface electromyogram, elec-trodes types and progress trends of developing the active electrodes.

In the article the process of developing, production multichannel electronic system and developing special software for filtering recorded signal is described. Approbation of the wireless recording system was held. Results includes recorded signals of surface electromiogram and amplitude-frequency charac-teristic of the measuremented signal.
Results could be used for medical diagnosis, sport research, artificial prosthesis and human-computer interface.

References 12, figures 7.

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How to Cite
Savchuk, A., & Popov, A. O. (2016). Multichannel wireless electronic system for recording the signal of the surface electromyogram. Electronics and Communications, 21(3), 51–57.
Biomedical devices and systems


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