Object’s scale and rotation estimation using the clustering in tracking methods based on the optic flow calculation

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Anton Yuriiovych Varfolomeev
Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Lysenko


Procedures of scale and rotation estimation of an object using the clustering are proposed. The pro-cedures are oriented to the application in tracking techniques based on sparse optic flow calculation. The new tracking method, which is called FCT (Flow Clustering Tracker) is developed using the mentioned procedures. The obtained results show its ability to achieve the compromise in robustness and accuracy with respect to the existing solutions.

References 8, figures 5, tables. 2.

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How to Cite
Varfolomeev, A. Y., & Lysenko, O. M. (2016). Object’s scale and rotation estimation using the clustering in tracking methods based on the optic flow calculation. Electronics and Communications, 21(2), 32–40. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2016.21.2.69771
Methods and means of processing signals and images


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