Determination of the multiplicity of PWM voltage of the inverter by the value of the harmonic coefficient based on the double Fourier series

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Є. В. Вербицький


Standard procedure for calculating the filter of inverter with PWM according to THD value are discrabed. Indicated that the constant multiplicity modulation of output voltage has a margin on the value of the THD at partial load of inverter. Dynamically changing of  the PWM multiplicity for providing a constant THD value and reducig the dynamic losses in semiconductor devices are proposed. The formula for calculating the value of the modulation multiplicity according to THD value harmonic ratio, the filter parameters and the load on the basis of the double Fourier series is obtained.

Bibl.3, fig. 1.

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How to Cite
Вербицький, Є. В. (2016). Determination of the multiplicity of PWM voltage of the inverter by the value of the harmonic coefficient based on the double Fourier series. Electronics and Communications, 20(4), 21–28.
Power electronics


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