Features of voltage spectrum calculations modulated by PWM I and II on basis double Fourier series

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Є. В. Вербицький


Described general algorithms for calculating the spectral characteristics of the inverter voltage after the filter with PWM I and II kind. The formulas for the calculation of the free and the transient component of the modulated voltage are obtained. Perform calculations of the spectral characteristic of the transient component PWM I and II kind by double Fourier series are proposed. Calculations of spectral characteristic of PWM-I free component performed by one variable Fourier series, the PWM II free component performed by two variables Fourier series.

Bibl. 5, Fig. 3.

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How to Cite
Вербицький, Є. В. (2016). Features of voltage spectrum calculations modulated by PWM I and II on basis double Fourier series. Electronics and Communications, 20(5), 36–45. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2015.20.5.69896
Power electronics


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