Saturation influence of the induction motor magnetic system on the current spectrum powered by a pulsed voltage source

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Dmytro Rostyslavovych Ushakov


A model for the study of the fundamental and higher stator current harmonics with a certain magnetic system saturation of the induction motor from form of power supply was proposed. The influence of induction motor magnetization curve non-linearity of the stator current form, powered by the three-phase bridge inverter was analyzed. The method of accounting non-linearity of the magnetization curve in the stator current spectrum analysis was proposed. A result of current spectra for different states of the induction motor was shows.

Ref. 11, pic. 3

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How to Cite
Ushakov, D. R. (2016). Saturation influence of the induction motor magnetic system on the current spectrum powered by a pulsed voltage source. Electronics and Communications, 21(4), 13–19.
Power electronics
Author Biography

Dmytro Rostyslavovych Ushakov, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute"

graduate student of Industrial Electronics


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