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Ihor V. Blinov
Ievhen V. Parus
Serhii Ie. Tankevych


The analyze of the loss function in solving the problem of choosing the optimal number of fault indicators and locations of their installation for fault states monitoring in branch of distribution electrical grids are researched. The analysis of the properties of profit function from the use of fault indicators are made. The method and algorithm of finding the optimal solution with linear level of combinatorial complexity are presented.

Reference 9, Figures 2.

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How to Cite
Blinov, I. V., Parus, I. V., & Tankevych, S. I. (2017). OPTIMIZATION OF FAULT INDICATORS SETTING FOR OVERHEAD POWER LINES MONITORING. Electronics and Communications, 22(1), 50–57. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2017.22.1.76577
Information and telecommunication systems and technology, information security


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