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Vadym Pavlovych Drozd


Building a stable system for assessing the similarity of the images is very difficult task. In this paper proposed approach to learning image comparison system that uses techniques of deep learning, namely the combining of all stages of the comparison into one deep neural network. This approach allows one to construct a system that has a much greater training capacity than others. Experimental verification of the system was done on digital images, which represent photos of clothes. Results confirm that the proposed system can improve quality of comparison, as well as reduce the size of the feature vector.

References 15, figures 4, tables 2.

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How to Cite
Drozd, V. P. (2017). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF IMAGES USING DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS. Electronics and Communications, 22(1), 75–81.
Information and telecommunication systems and technology, information security
Author Biography

Vadym Pavlovych Drozd, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Факультет електроніки, кафедра КЕОА, аспірант


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