The model and the probabilistic characteristics of acoustic emission signals

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Oksana Viktorivna Harmash


Based on the physics of acoustic emission signals, a model in the form of a composition of continuous and discrete acoustic emission. The basic characteristics of probabilistic discrete, continuous acoustic emission, and composition thereof. It is shown that the information content of cumulant, cumulant coefficients for solving the problem of increasing the reliability of the detection signal of the discrete acoustic emission in the background continuously. Studied the laws of the distribution of these signals, found that for the analysis of the laws of distribution of the proposed model it is advisable to use the characteristic function, the parameters of which are Poisson spectral functions.

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How to Cite
Harmash, O. V. (2016). The model and the probabilistic characteristics of acoustic emission signals. Electronics and Communications, 21(5), 77–82.
Acoustical devices and systems


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