Measurement transformers of micromoving and pressure based on the surface acoustic wave

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Mykola Fedorovych Zhovnir
Myroslav V. Bitov
Leonid Dmytrovych Pysarenko


The results of theoretic and experimental researches of measurement transformers of micromoving and pressure, based on disturbance of surface acoustic wave, which expanded on the surface of piezoelectric acoustic line in the electric field, are presented. Frequency method of measurement based on the measurement transformers with using the method of modes competition of oscillations in the surface acoustic wave generator, that provided the possibility of disturbance of electric field on the largest length of acoustic line with maintaining one-mode regime of generator operation.

Ref. 11, Fig. 7.

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How to Cite
Zhovnir, M. F., Bitov, M. V., & Pysarenko, L. D. (2016). Measurement transformers of micromoving and pressure based on the surface acoustic wave. Electronics and Communications, 21(4), 49–57.
Acoustical devices and systems


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