The algorithm of selection of non-traditional renewable sources of electric energy in the local power supply system of enterprises of mining complex

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Serhii M. Boiko
I. A. Minakov
O. M. Sinchuk
I. O. Sinchuk


The article suggests the adoption of local energy systems (LES) in complex supply of the enterprises of the domestic mining complex (DMC) on the basis of renewable sources of electric energy (RSEE). The features of the use of LES and the urgency of development and implementation in practice of work of the enterprises DMC RSEE as an additional power supply is composed of power supply system, with the aim of providing conditions of continuity and reliability of power supply of consumers and decrease the cost of mining. For implementation of a local power enterprises of DMC and reasonably proposed for the practical implementation of the selection algorithm RSEE to LES enterprises DMC.

Referense 7, Figures 2.

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How to Cite
Boiko, S. M., Minakov, I. A., Sinchuk, O. M., & Sinchuk, I. O. (2016). The algorithm of selection of non-traditional renewable sources of electric energy in the local power supply system of enterprises of mining complex. Electronics and Communications, 21(4), 6–12.
Power electronics


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