Research of classifiers’ work to optimize diagnoses bronchopulmonary diseases

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Hanna S. Porieva
D. Honcharova


This article considers the possibility of using classifiers, which are the basis of machine learning to diagnoses bronchopulmonary diseases optimization. The work of a  few qualifiers was considered and as a result of the research the nearest neighbor method was chosen for the task classifier. As the parameters of this method numerical characteristics of breathing sounds signals were chosen. This characteristics was calculated on the basis of poyspectral analysis. It was found that this classifier is simple to implement and to operate with the data base of breathing sounds. The resulting accuracy of the classifier is high enough. The algorithm is designed to greatly simplify the work of the doctor-pulmonologist for setting a timely diagnosis.

Referense 8, Figures 3.

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How to Cite
Porieva, H. S., & Honcharova, D. (2016). Research of classifiers’ work to optimize diagnoses bronchopulmonary diseases. Electronics and Communications, 21(4), 44–48.
Biomedical devices and systems


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