Physical model of intersites aspect of space crystal lattice

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Oleksandr Vasyliovych Borisov
L. N. Korolevych
A. V. Shevliakova


The paper deals with the problems of physical invariance of intersites aspect of the crystal lattice and its generalization to all space Fedorov groups. Proved the physical identity of intersites and the sites aspects of the crystal lattice. Is shown that the applicability of intersites aspect to solution of the problem of density of surface states.

Reference 5, figures 23.

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How to Cite
Borisov, O. V., Korolevych, L. N., & Shevliakova, A. V. (2016). Physical model of intersites aspect of space crystal lattice. Electronics and Communications, 21(2), 10–17.
Solid-state electronics


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