Forced electro-elastic vibrations of the piezoceramic plates and rods with divided electrodes. Part II: analytical and experimental determination of the coupling coefficients and admittance’s components

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Velerii Leonidovych Karlash
Oleksandr Ihorovych Bezverkhyi
Luibov Pavlivna Zinchuk


This article analyses the forced vibrations of the non-uniform loaded piezoceramic transducers, such as plates and rods with thickness polarization and one or two bilateral electrode coating divisions, thin disks and circular rings with full or concentric and diameter divided electrodes, as well as partly electroded plates.

Piezoceramic constructive elements, while performing similar or better than electromagnetic ones, are more suitable for miniaturization’s purpose. Vibrations of piezoceramic constructive elements are characterized by great electromechanical coupling between electric fields and elastic displacements or stresses. The internal physical processes nature in such bodies drives to the fact that mechanical displacements, strains and stresses, sample admittance, impedance or instantaneous power have both real and imaginary parts.

Piezoelectric bars with transversal polarization became already „touchstone” in many experimental researches because their vibrations are described simple mathematical formulas, and the first overtone lies far on frequency from fundamental.

The analytical relations for thin piezoceramic discs’ with partial electrodes radial vibrations and for rods’ with no uniform electric loading longitudinal vibrations are represented in a first part. The experimental data for rods with divided or partial electrodes are represented in a second part. It was established that one-dimensional rod model describes the beginning part of the rod’s vibration spectrum well. The stresses maxima for L1 – L5 modes of the in-phase loaded and shorted electrodes are related as digits 1:3:5. In shorted part electrodes case may be excited not only odd but even longitudinal modes, which are absent for full electrodes. The intensive high-frequency resonances need the additional analytic and experimental investigations.

Experiment data agree with calculation well.

Ref. 15, fig. 6

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How to Cite
Karlash, V. L., Bezverkhyi, O. I., & Zinchuk, L. P. (2017). Forced electro-elastic vibrations of the piezoceramic plates and rods with divided electrodes. Part II: analytical and experimental determination of the coupling coefficients and admittance’s components. Electronics and Communications, 22(4), 59–68.
Acoustical devices and systems


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