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Pavlo Valentynovych Kucherniuk
Andrii Oleksandrovych Dovhal


Mathematical model of threats to security of information and communication systems was developed by means of regression analysis to determine, which potential threats are most probable and critical for a particular network and to decide in the further on the use of specific technologies and means of protection. The multilevel classification of threats which based on the OSI model and takes into account such criteria as the source of the threats, the type of impact, objectives pursued, objects and types of attacks was used in constructing the model. The statement of the problem of regression analysis was considered and was showed as from theoretical model get the approximation regression equation which can be used to further forecasting the impact of possible attacks on the network state. Statistics on threats and their consequences, expert assessments, the results of the evaluation simulation or experiment are proposed to use to fill a matrix of possible attacks and network states. For calculating the regression coefficients for approximating analytic model as a regression equation the formalized procedure was proposed. This procedure is proposed to use for each OSI model level, which will provide analytical model appropriate level threats. The model can be used for multilevel analysis of the impact of possible threats to the state of information and communication systems, identifying the most critical threats and making decisions on creation of information security systems in networks for different purposes. The versatility of the model and its adequacy can increase by creating a database of attack and experimental results of their impact on the information and communication systems. This will apply the model to systems for various purposes with different requirements for information security.

References 10, tables 2.

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How to Cite
Kucherniuk, P. V., & Dovhal, A. O. (2017). MODEL THREATS TO SECURITY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS BASED ON REGRESSION ANALYSIS. Electronics and Communications, 22(2), 79–84.
Information and telecommunication systems and technology, information security
Author Biography

Pavlo Valentynovych Kucherniuk, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Кафедра конструювання електронно-обчислювальної апаратури, доцент


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