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Serhii Anatoliiovych Naida
Olena Ruslanivna Lozenko


The article presents the calculation and analysis of the earing echo-spectrometer: tube, horn, the phone choice rationale, also the signal processing algorithm is described in article. The main advantage of the developed method over other methods of objective human hearing diagnostic is grounded./p>

In the since works there were attempts to create auditory sound methodology. The authors used a measuring circuit the complex impedance. However, the main concern of their research concluded that it was not satisfied the main condition of echolocation: the availability of sufficient spatial framework for the separation of the emitted and reflected pulses. Instead, it was mentioned the delay in the electric echo signal.

The relevance of the present work is the developed method which allows to make the diagnosis of hearing not only for adults but for newborns also, and this is a great issue today. In addition, a simulated layout for the rapid diagnosis of the average human ear makes it possible to obtain a quantitative criterion hearing assessment for adults. The scientific problem is the lack of quantitative indicator in the diagnosis of middle ear of adults today. A diagnosis of middle ear of newborns is complicated by the presence of the pneumatic system. Thus, the practical significance is to provide newborn hearing screening and providing of the quantitative indicators of the state of the middle ear for adults.

Thus, a further step after the layout development for the rapid diagnosis of human middle ear is an experimental study of the layout created. Ref. 10, fig. 2.

Article Details

How to Cite
Naida, S. A., & Lozenko, O. R. (2017). ELECTRO-ACOUSTIC PROBE BROADBAND EAR ECHO-SPECTROMETER FOR SCREENING OF HEARING OF NEWBORNS. Electronics and Communications, 22(1), 38–44. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2017.22.1.94979
Biomedical devices and systems
Author Biography

Serhii Anatoliiovych Naida, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergey Naida. Sergey Naida is a KPI graduate – in 1992 he graduated electro acoustical Faculty of KPI. After three years he successfully passed postgraduate studies at the Department of Acoustic and Acoustoelectronics. In May 1996 Sergey Naida defended his candidate these, in November 2010 doctor’s dissertation by the specialty “Applied Acoustics and sound technics”. During this time he worked his way from the assistant to the associated Professor and then Professor of the Acoustics and Acoustoelectronics Department.


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