Noise and transport properties of CdTe <Pb> crystals

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I. S. Virt
I. S. Bilyk
O. A. Parfeniuk
M. I. Ilashchuk


Researches of current noise in the monocrystalline samples CdTe<Pb> are conducted, taking into account the presence of defects of grate and possible clusters in a crystalline matrix. It is foreseen; that these types of  defects  and  heterogeneity  can  lead  to  the spectrums  of  noise  looked  after.  Noise  data analysis, is executed within the framework of the model based on the picture of bi stabling defects –  fluctuates,  salient  in  qualities  of  reason  of origin of 1/f noise. The energy of activating of fluctuation, calculated from temperature dependence of low-frequency noise makes 0,74 eV. In area of comparatively middle frequencies spectral dependence of power of noise acquires the fractures of characteristic for a noise generation-recombination.

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How to Cite
Virt, I. S., Bilyk, I. S., Parfeniuk, O. A., & Ilashchuk, M. I. (2012). Noise and transport properties of CdTe &lt;Pb&gt; crystals. Electronics and Communications, 17(4), 5–10.
Solid-state electronics


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