Research of work of retrosystem taking into account the change of coefficient of coupling of wheels of electric locomotive with rails

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Dmytro O. Kalmus


In the article the questions of increase of efficiency of work of hauling electric drives are considered with the impulsive systems of adjusting of tension of hauling electric engines of direct-current in the modes braking of electric locomotives with two axes during minimization of slipping of wheels of electric locomotive with rails. The algorithm of work of the system of the electric braking is offered, that effectively functions to a zero speed of electric locomotive with the maximal use of brake properties of hauling electric drive. It is worked out and recommended for practical researches mathematical model of the electric braking, necessary for the estimation of level of efficiency and expediency of application of corresponding structure in the concrete terms of braking of the electrified transport vehicle. Efficiency of the offered variant of development of structure of hauling electric drive is confirmed by a design.

Ref. 7, fig. 2.

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How to Cite
Kalmus, D. O. (2017). Research of work of retrosystem taking into account the change of coefficient of coupling of wheels of electric locomotive with rails. Electronics and Communications, 22(3), 40–45.
Power electronics


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