To the question of efficiency of functioning of hauling electromechanics complex of mine electric locomotive in the mode of braking

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Ihor O. Sinchuk
Dmytro O. Kalmus


In the article the considered questions of increase of efficiency of process of braking of hauling electric engines of direct-current are with the impulsive systems of adjusting of tension of feed. Electromagnetic processes are considered in the electric drive of mine electric locomotive at the electric dynamic braking of hauling electric engines, when speed of mine electric locomotive and tension on his pantograph aspire to zero values, and the condenser of entrance filter revives due to energy of braking in every impulsive loop. Dependences are set between by the size of story capacity of the smoothed condenser, inductances of entrance filter and by the maximum values of rejections of tension of feed of operative chains of impulsive control system. Dependences of maximally possible power that is consumed by control system are got, provided by energy of braking of hauling electric engines. A mathematical model allowing to estimate work of the system of the electrodynamics braking at the subzero rate of movement of mine electric locomotives and temporal unauthorized absence of tension is worked out.

Ref. 9, fig. 5.

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How to Cite
Sinchuk, I. O., & Kalmus, D. O. (2017). To the question of efficiency of functioning of hauling electromechanics complex of mine electric locomotive in the mode of braking. Electronics and Communications, 22(4), 38–43.
Power electronics


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