Adaptive hardware development

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T. L. Zakharchenko


The paper is trying to attract attention to perspective hardware design methodology. The point of the methodology is to stress vital role of pragmatics in hardware design through direct influence of pragmatics on tools used in process of design.  The author showed basics of pragmatics dependent approach and proposes solution for automated transition from semantic notation of solution of problem given to specific syntaxes, described its implementation.

The design approach introduced has such advantages as: investment saving, production of correct solutions and of course support of design process, which leads to optimal solution. The author applied proposed approach to hardware design, and such application allows increasing speed/chip area ratio in resulting designs. The implementation of adaptive design environment, created as the proof of concept proves ability to remove margin between software and hardware compiling the same semantic description of problem's solution into x86 assembly and Verilog code. But for now it is not recommended to use this piece of software in industry, it should be improved with different design tricks and optimizations to make designs produced with the adaptive design environment truly efficient. In the future the author is going try to use different algebraic structures in the adaptive design environment to analyze their efficiency.

Reference 5, figures 2.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zakharchenko, T. L. (2014). Adaptive hardware development. Electronics and Communications, 19(6), 73–77.
Electronic systems


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