The method of express-control of the norm of an acoustic mechanical system of the human’s middle ear and a computer ear echoscopy for its implementation

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Sergey А. Naida
Nataliia Volodimirivna Bogdanova
O. R. Kyrylchyk
S. I. Tolkach


The new way of control of norm of system of a middle ear of the person and computer ear echoscopy for its realization is offered. Measurement of coefficient of reflection of a sound impulse is the basis for a way from an eardrum as frequency function, and its transformation to dimensionless parameter - a norm factor. Ear echoscopy, unlike existing acoustic measuring instruments of an impedance, gives the chance to estimate a condition of acoustical system not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively.

References 9, figures 3.

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How to Cite
Naida S. А., Bogdanova, N. V., Kyrylchyk, O. R., & Tolkach, S. I. (2014). The method of express-control of the norm of an acoustic mechanical system of the human’s middle ear and a computer ear echoscopy for its implementation. Electronics and Communications, 19(3), 32–37.
Biomedical devices and systems


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