Investigation of electromagnetic excitation method of volumetric ultrasonic waves in the metal half-space. Part 2. Formulation of the problems of determination of kinematic characteristics not interact-ing longitudinal and transverse (shear) ultrasonic w

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A. N. Mikheeva
Oleh Mykolaiovich Petrishchev


Given the wording of boundary problems of dynamic theory of elasticity, the solutions of which determine by the kinematic and dynamic characteristics are not interacting longitudinal and transverse waves that are excited by a system of surface and volumetric forces. Given methods of determining the potentials of force field which are specified in the volume of elastic half-space. Made quantitative estimate of the scalar and vector potentials of the Joule forces field, which are created in axially magnetized conductive ferromagnet by variable magnetic field of the coil ring. It is shown that scalar and vector potentials offset fields of material particles, which are formed by longitudinal and shear waves, should be sought in the form of sums of series in even and odd spherical harmonics, respectively.

References 12, figures 5, tabl 1.

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How to Cite
Mikheeva, A. N., & Petrishchev, O. M. (2014). Investigation of electromagnetic excitation method of volumetric ultrasonic waves in the metal half-space. Part 2. Formulation of the problems of determination of kinematic characteristics not interact-ing longitudinal and transverse (shear) ultrasonic w. Electronics and Communications, 19(3), 47–61.
Acoustical devices and systems


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