Analysis and research methods of traffic management in network IPTV

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V. A. Artemenko
K. A. Artemenko


Analysis of the known methods of traffic management IPTV shows that most of them do not provide the desired uniformity of loading networks due to the fact that they do not take into account the nature of the self-similarity of network traffic.

The known mathematical model for spread of packet-based timing also does not account for fractal process in network IPTV.

To solve this problem we propose a mathematical model to evaluate the prognosis of self-similar traffic based IPTV and based on that new mathematical model (proactive) the method of traffic management IPTV. Optimal forecast estimate the delay for a particular point in time, defined with respect to the parameter of self-similarity or Hurst. Simulation modeling of IP networks has shown that the proposed method of traffic management IPTV works effectively with the introduction of two additional thresholds assessing prognosis delays.

References 10, figures 6.

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How to Cite
Artemenko, V. A., & Artemenko, K. A. (2014). Analysis and research methods of traffic management in network IPTV. Electronics and Communications, 19(3), 125–132.
Systems of telecommunication, communication and information protection


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