Search features of solar battery maximum power point by methods open and short sircuits

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Evgenii Volodymyrovych Verbytskii
V. Y. Romashko


General methods maximum power point of solar battery are analyzed. In article are shown, that methods open and short circuits are simplest and sufficiently effective. Main disadvantage of these method is relatively wide bias range by current and voltage, when outside factors (power of solar radiation, temperate) and outside resistance power loses are changing. Influence mentioned factors to position maximum power point are analyzed and recommendation of taking to account these factors to maximum power point choose are given. When for agreement solar battery and load impulse convertors are used, work point of solar battery expediencelly choose left from maximum power point.

Bibl. 5, pic. 5. 

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How to Cite
Verbytskii, E. V., & Romashko, V. Y. (2013). Search features of solar battery maximum power point by methods open and short sircuits. Electronics and Communications, 18(5), 13–18.
Power electronics


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