Permutation entropy of fetal heart rate with extraction of maternal heartbeats

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O. O. Avilov
I. I. Borovskyi
M. A. Zhukov
K. O. Ivanko
Anton Oleksandrovych Popov
V. A. Fesechko


Development and application of maternal and fetal physiological states identification techniques based on the noninvasive electrical heart activity monitoring is of great clinical importance during pregnancy. In this paper, new possibilities of applying one of nonlinear measures of time series behavior analysis to the fetal heart rates are explored, and permutation entropy (PE) characteristics of fetal rhythmograms are used to get new insight on the fetal heart rhythm parameters. The new technique of fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) extraction is used, based on filtration in wavelet domain and reconstruction of fECG using detalization coefficients. Permutation entropy analysis is applied to obtain PE values and trends for the case of raw fetal rhythmograms and those obtained with excluded maternal heart beats. The assumption about the need to extract maternal heartbeats from initial rhythmogram is proven by the difference in PE values for two cases.

Ref. 11, figs. 11.

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How to Cite
Avilov, O. O., Borovskyi, I. I., Zhukov, M. A., Ivanko, K. O., Popov, A. O., & Fesechko, V. A. (2013). Permutation entropy of fetal heart rate with extraction of maternal heartbeats. Electronics and Communications, 18(5), 43–49.
Biomedical devices and systems


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