Аn Automation of rooms acoustic expertise

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V. O. Klimkov
А. V. Vasyliev
Arkadiy Mykolayovych Prodeus


It is necessary solve a number of problems in order to automate the room acoustic expertise. This is to minimize the list of parameters to be estimated, the automation of the choice of the measurement method, automation adoption of particular solutions for each estimated parameter, as well as automation of the aggregation of particular solutions. In the literature, there are suggestions for minimizing the list of parameters to be estimated and automate decision making, but there are no guidelines for choosing the method of room acoustic examination intended for speech presentations. The purpose of this study was to fill a specified space.

It is shown that the choice of acoustic expertise appropriate to carry out such criteria as accuracy, speed and stealth measurement procedures, taking into account the ratio of the effects of noise and reverberation. It is also shown that determination of the degree of the effects of noise and reverberation can be made at least by three ways. The first method is based on the use of estimates of signal-to-noise ratio for noise and reverberation, the second - on the use of the values of the corresponding coefficients of the modulation. The third method is the most simple and is based on estimates of the reverberation time and signal-to-noise ratio for noise interference.

Reference 8, figures 6, tables 5.

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How to Cite
Klimkov, V. O., Vasyliev А. V., & Prodeus, A. M. (2013). Аn Automation of rooms acoustic expertise. Electronics and Communications, 18(5), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2013.18.5.142747
Acoustical devices and systems


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