Experimental verification of the existence of the magnetic field generated by displacement currents of capacitor

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V. S. Gudymenko
V. I. Piskunov


The experiment on verification Maxwell’s hypothesis about ability of currents of displacement in a vacuum to create the magnetic field was conducted. Calculating the value of the induction of the magnetic fields produced by both conduction currents and displacement currents, was performed with the use of the Biot-Savart-Laplassa's law. As sensors that react to the presence of a magnetic field, were used current transformers. As a source of displacement currents were applied flat, disc, air condensers. The magnetic field was measured for comparison above the condenser and above the connecting wires and between the capacitor plates. The frequency of the current in the capacitors - 2 MHz, the amplitude of the voltage on the plates - 120 V.

As a result of the experiment, on the graph were presented the amplitudes of the magnetic induction, depending on the location of the sensor in relation to the location of the capacitor.  Specified dependencies were obtained by analytical calculations and experimental measurements for different types of capacitors. Distributed to the ground capacitances were taken into consideration.

The good concurrence between the calculated and experimental curves showed the existence of torn currents.

The experimental results showed that the displacement currents generated by Coulomb's fields do not form magnetic fields. 

Noted that for the final assessment about the correctness of the Maxwell's hypothesis it needs to perform a similar experiment, in which the source of displacement currents is the vortex electric field.

Bibl. 10, pict.3, table.1.

Article Details

How to Cite
Gudymenko, V. S., & Piskunov, V. I. (2013). Experimental verification of the existence of the magnetic field generated by displacement currents of capacitor. Electronics and Communications, 18(2), 115–123. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2013.18.2.186878
Short reports


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Forums CNews Experimental verification of magnetic field. INTERNET http://live.cnews.ru/forum/index/php?showtopic=69034

Zeng Qingping. The experiment to Negate Maxwell`s Theory. INTERNET http://www.electro-tech-online.com/custompdfs/2011/03/qingping2.pdf

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