Investigation of electron-optics characteristics of triode gas discharge electron gun with cold cathode

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S. B. Tuhai


Results of experimental investigation of plasma boundary position which affect on geometry parameters of electron beam in triode high voltage glow discharge electron guns both in pulse and regular operation modes, are considered.

Experimental installation which allows providing visual control of discharge gap of triode electron beam gun was used for investigations. For these purpose anode and driving electrode were made transparent. Rectangular impulses with different frequency and durability till tens of milliseconds were used in experiments.

Provided investigations shown that with increasing of discharge current decreasing of dependence of anode plasma boundary position from energetic parameters of gun is observed. Therefore for maximal current providing control of gun operation without critical changing electron beam geometry parameters is possible.

References 7, figures 3

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How to Cite
Tuhai, S. B. (2013). Investigation of electron-optics characteristics of triode gas discharge electron gun with cold cathode. Electronics and Communications, 18(1), 20–25.
Vacuum, plasma and quantum electronics


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