Study of the spectral dependences of the absorption coefficient in thin films of hydrogenated silicon by the method of constant photocurrent with modulated excitation

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A. V. Emelyanov
A. G. Kazanskiy
P. K. Kashkarov
S. Yu. Larkin
Ye. I. Novikov
P. A. Forshand
M. V. Khenkin


Spectral dependences of absorption coefficient in thin films of amorphous hydrogenated silicon are investigated. Silicon films were obtained by decomposition of monosilane and hydrogen mixture under hydrogen portion, corresponding to conditions of the beginning of nanocrystalline phase formation in structure of films. A new modification of the constant photocurrent method, based on the modulation of the exciting light flux, is developed and used to measure the spectral dependence of the absorption coefficient. The effect of illumination of different duration on films absorption spectra, measured by the proposed method, is investigated. According to the study of a-Si:H films, obtained under conditions corresponding to the beginning of formation of the crystalline phase, we can assume the presence of silicon nanocrystals in structure of the films and nanocrystals influence on the optical properties of a-Si:H.

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How to Cite
Emelyanov, A. V., Kazanskiy, A. G., Kashkarov, P. K., Larkin, S. Y., Novikov, Y. I., Forshand, P. A., & Khenkin, M. V. (2012). Study of the spectral dependences of the absorption coefficient in thin films of hydrogenated silicon by the method of constant photocurrent with modulated excitation. Electronics and Communications, 17(2), 5–9.
Solid-state electronics


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