Methodology for organizing and conducting a test session as a tool to optimize the quality of educational management process in the university

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N. O. Rizun
YU. K. Taranenko


The methodology of organization and holding of test knowledge student's control is proposed. The principle of determination the level of the complexity in depending of the value of indicator of probability of guessing for the test tasks of the different types is substantiated. The adaptive algorithm of the consecutive presentation of test tasks of the different types in order of the reducing of the complexity is developed. The rule of necessity of moving to the next level of testing in dependence of the individual knowledge's and skills of each students

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How to Cite
Rizun, N. O. ., & Taranenko, Y. K. (2012). Methodology for organizing and conducting a test session as a tool to optimize the quality of educational management process in the university. Electronics and Communications, 16(6), 52–63.
Problems of preparation of specialists


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