Using nano-like structures to solve problems ensuring electromagnetic compatibility

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O.V. Machulianskyi
M.V. Rodionova
V.V. Pilinskyi
V.B. Shvaichenko


Screening of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the frequency range: units, tens of kilohertz to few, tens of gigahertz are considered. The requirements to the nanostructure composite materials for electromagnetic screening are described. Methods of screening on the basis of reflecting or absorbing broadband nanocomposite structures for radiointerference filters are identified

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How to Cite
Machulianskyi, O. ., Rodionova, M. ., Pilinskyi, V. ., & Shvaichenko, V. . (2011). Using nano-like structures to solve problems ensuring electromagnetic compatibility. Electronics and Communications, 16(4), 6–10.
Nanostructures and nanotechnology in electronics


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