Cluster model of the formation of aluminum nitride in alumina nanoreactors

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V.Y. Hlotov
P.V. Deminskij
N.O. Lyahova
I.V. Masol
V.I. Osinskij


The non-traditional method of obtainingclusters of heterogenous and homogenous nanooxides, nitrides of aluminum by substitution ofoxygen atoms with low-energy nitrogen ions inthe solid phase inside the nanopores of aluminum oxide Al2O3 (nanosapfire) is proposed and implemented. The AlN, AlNxO1-x, Al2O3 nanolayers was experimentally obtained

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How to Cite
Hlotov, V. ., Deminskij, P. ., Lyahova, N. ., Masol, I. ., & Osinskij, V. . (2011). Cluster model of the formation of aluminum nitride in alumina nanoreactors. Electronics and Communications, 16(4).
Nanostructures and nanotechnology in electronics


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