Detection of artifacts in the EEG signal with using wavelet transform

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A.A. Popov
A.M. Kanajkin
K.A. Roshchina
O.R. CHertov
V.A. SHashkov


The paper considers the task of cleaning up the EEG signal from artifacts. Method for identifying electrooculogram and signal recovery after its removal using discrete wavelet transform of the electroencephalogram is proposed. The developed method showed nice results on examined examples of real signals at localization and removal of artifacts

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How to Cite
Popov, A. ., Kanajkin, A. ., Roshchina, K. ., CHertov, O. ., & SHashkov, V. . (2011). Detection of artifacts in the EEG signal with using wavelet transform. Electronics and Communications, 16(4), 126–130.
Biomedical devices and systems


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