Features of pore formation of semiconductors by example zinc selenide and indium phosphide

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V.V. Kidalov
O.V. Marakhovskyi
Ya.O. Cychikova
H.O. Sukach


The paper represent a methodology and mechanizm of obtaining porous layers in ZnSe and InP substrates by photoelectochemical etching in acid solutions. Morphology of the surface was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy. By using energy dispersion X-ray analysis method (EDAX) was determined chemical composition of the obtained film`s surface

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How to Cite
Kidalov, V. ., Marakhovskyi, O. ., Cychikova , Y. ., & Sukach, H. . (2012). Features of pore formation of semiconductors by example zinc selenide and indium phosphide. Electronics and Communications, 16(5), 13–17. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.5.246861
Solid-state electronics


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