Obtaining thin-film heterostructures by the method of hot walls and study of current transport mechanisms

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N.V. Yaroshenko
T.V. Semykina
YU.N. Bobrenko
L.N Shmyrova
V.M. Komashchenko
W. Paszkowicz
R. Minikayev


We present the results of structural investigation by XRD and optical microscopy methods of films II-VI as a dependence on technological parameters. The presented films consist of microcrystallites from nanosized blocks. It is elucidated that sizes of blocks do not depend on technological factors. The dependences between size of microcrystallites and temperatures of chamber and evaporated cell are presented. The results of calculation of currentvoltage characteristics show that the main mechanism of current charge is multi step tunneling. This result makes a forecast of development of resonance - tunneling structure on the base of films of group II-VI

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How to Cite
Yaroshenko, N. ., Semykina, T. ., Bobrenko, Y. ., Shmyrova, L. ., Komashchenko, V. ., Paszkowicz, W. ., & Minikayev, R. . (2011). Obtaining thin-film heterostructures by the method of hot walls and study of current transport mechanisms. Electronics and Communications, 16(2), 28–33. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.2.268369
Solid-state electronics


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