Evaluation of properties of trinitrides in a strong electric field

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V.A. Moskalyuk
M.H. Ovcharuk


In this article was made an attempt to systematize the existing information about the group of lll-nitrides and to analyze their behavior in a strong electric field. By the agency of analytical expressions for momentum and energy relaxation times of different scattering mechanisms were estimated the dynamic properties of Ill-Nitrides in high-field as well as the field-temperature dependence, valleys occupation function and field-velocity characteristic for nitrides with different crystal lattice modifications. The calculation results were compared to the existing experimental data and estimation of other authors

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How to Cite
Moskalyuk, V. ., & Ovcharuk, M. . (2011). Evaluation of properties of trinitrides in a strong electric field. Electronics and Communications, 16(2), 52–56. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2011.16.2.268404
Solid-state electronics


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