Mathematical modeling of the operation of a cylindrical piezoceramic transformer with two sections generator electrodes

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V.G. Savin
V.M. Sharapov
I.O. Morgun


A task is considered about the steady electro elastic oscillations of the cylindrical piezoelectric transformer with two generative electrodes. At raising and decision of task the linear theory of thin electro elastic shells under the mixed electric boundary conditions: electric voltage on one of its parts and a displacement current – on another. The expressions allowing calculating, of all basic electromechanical characteristics of dynamic process – displacements, piezoelectric strength, electric voltages on generative electrodes, are got

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How to Cite
Savin, V. ., Sharapov, V. ., & Morgun, I. . (2010). Mathematical modeling of the operation of a cylindrical piezoceramic transformer with two sections generator electrodes. Electronics and Communications, 15(6), 38–42.
Acoustical devices and systems


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