Simulation and virtual measurements in a laboratory practice

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S.V. Voyevodin
A.V. Borysov
T.L. Volkhova
V.G. Tinyakov


There is considered the place of laboratory practical work in an educational process in the natural cause disciplines and its importance in engineering education. It was given diversified capabilities of contemporary laboratory practical work in solid state electronic, microelectronic, such as: simulation of physical processes, use virtual instruments (NI LabVIEW), work with firmware (NI ELVIS, PSoC), designing in software environment (semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, printed circuit boards). It is showed that simulation of physical processes in combination with virtual instruments and a designing in software environment provides never before available possibilities in academic process as well as in promoting new engineering development to market.

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How to Cite
Voyevodin, S. ., Borysov, A. ., Volkhova, T. ., & Tinyakov, V. (2010). Simulation and virtual measurements in a laboratory practice. Electronics and Communications, 15(6), 70–83.
Problems of preparation of specialists


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