Variant of method of symmetries at research of vibrations of circular plate of linear-variable thickness

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Кирилл Александрович Трапезон
А. Г. Трапезон


A task is decided about the axisymmetric natural oscillations of circular plate of linear-variable thickness by the method of symmetries in the new variant of his realization. Equalizations of frequencies and forms of natural vibrations are got for a circular axisymmetric plate with the hard fixing her on an internal contour. The first three frequencies are certain and the corresponding to them own forms of vibrations of plate are built. Flexibility of method of symmetries is shown for the decision of tasks of theory of vibrations for the plates of variable thickness on the example of new variant of his realization. Efficiency of the accepted approach is illustrated comparing of the known results to got in the real work. It is shown, in particular, that these results possess higher exactness and more reliable as compared to known. Reference 10, figures 3, tables 2.

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How to Cite
Трапезон, К. А., & Трапезон, А. Г. (2015). Variant of method of symmetries at research of vibrations of circular plate of linear-variable thickness. Electronics and Communications, 20(1), 98.
Acoustical devices and systems


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