Registration of mechanical stresses in the films on a solid state substrate by polarization-modulation technique

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Остап Олегович Олійник
Б. А. Циганок


The article presents a modulation-polarization technique of stress-strain registration in film coatings of optically transparent solid substrates (both crystalline and amorphous). On the basis of the mechanical stress distribution in the surface layer of the solid substrate an approach is developed for calculation of physical parameters of deposited films. The resulting modified expressions of Stony equations that link plastic deformation of solid substrate with its optical parameters are obtained. Possibility of reverse deformations registration laid in calculations allowed to calculate the mechanical stresses in such a thin surface film that cause negligibly small plastic deformation of the substrate.

References 8, Fig. 4.

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How to Cite
Олійник, О. О., & Циганок, Б. А. (2016). Registration of mechanical stresses in the films on a solid state substrate by polarization-modulation technique. Electronics and Communications, 20(4), 9–14.
Solid-state electronics


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