Relation of instability of electric magnetic system current and accelerating voltage at the electron-beam gun

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Т. В. Руденко
Ю. В. Руденко


Relation of power supplies parameters at electron beam gun is considered which provides the condition of needed beam focusing and deflection with accelerating voltage variation. During analysis of set optimum proportion between electric magnetic system coil current and accelerating voltage as non-linear function for specified gun type the linear approximation of this function at operation range of accelerating voltage is used. Investigations are conducted with application of pulse current regulator for supplying of coils and high voltage sectioned converter as accelerating voltage source. In order to obtain the regulating characteristic in accordance with set optimum coil current control law in dependence with accelerating voltage the constant component is put to input signal of etalon voltage. It allowed to obtain the  analytic relationships  for calculation of  the accelerating voltage acceptable instability and section maximum voltage at accelerating voltage source with set instability of electric magnetic system current and set technical parameters of the gun.

Refer. 7, Fig. 3.

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How to Cite
Руденко, Т. В., & Руденко, Ю. В. (2016). Relation of instability of electric magnetic system current and accelerating voltage at the electron-beam gun. Electronics and Communications, 20(4), 15–20.
Power electronics


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