Research of influence of vibrations and brief disappearances of tension of feed of mine electric locomotive is to work of electric drive in the mode of braking

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D. O. Kalmus
I. O. Sinchuk


The analysis of possible reasons of decline of level of tension of feed a pin mine to the electric locomotive is conducted in the article. Factors that influence to work of electromechanic in the mode of traction and in the mode of braking are set. Character of electromagnetic processes is analysed in hauling engines mine to the electric locomotive in transition the system of electromechanic from the mode of traction in the mode of braking. From an analysis expressions, that allow to make the estimation of maximum terms of transition out of the mode of traction in the mode of braking depending on the row of factors that take into account the structural features of the system of electromechanic and initial conditions in the circle of braking solution Offers in relation to reduction to influence of vibrations of tension of feed on the capacity of the system of електропривода mine to the electric locomotive, were set.

Referense 7, Figures 2.

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How to Cite
Kalmus, D. O., & Sinchuk, I. O. (2016). Research of influence of vibrations and brief disappearances of tension of feed of mine electric locomotive is to work of electric drive in the mode of braking. Electronics and Communications, 21(5), 31–37.
Power electronics


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