Al/nanocrystalline CeOx/Si/Al structures for heterojunction photodetectors

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Oleksandr Vasyliovych Borisov
L. N. Korolevych
N. V. Maksimchuk


A stable metal/nc-CeOx/Si structures were fabricated and investigated for the creation of heterojunction photodetectors. The photosensitivity of obtained structures in the visible range was 330 μA/lm∙V. The value of the interface state density was of 7∙1010 cm-2∙eV-1. DC dielectric constant of nanocrystalline CeOx film was about 15. Thin (80 nm) cerium oxide films in Al/nc-CeOx/Si/Al structures were obtained by the vacuum flash evaporation method. The effect of technological factors on the CeOx films microstructure as well as on photoelectric properties of the Al/nc-CeOx/Si/Al structures has been investigated. Electrophysical and photoelectric properties of the Al/nc-CeOx/Si/Al structures has been investigated. It was revealed that the nanocrystalline CeOx layer in the obtained Al/nc-CeOx/Si/Al structures is a semiconductor with an electronic conductivity. It’s volume resistivity is within the range of 0.5-30 МOhm∙cm. 

Reference 9, figures 2.

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How to Cite
Borisov, O. V., Korolevych, L. N., & Maksimchuk, N. V. (2014). Al/nanocrystalline CeOx/Si/Al structures for heterojunction photodetectors. Electronics and Communications, 19(6), 9–13.
Solid-state electronics


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