Managing the properties of nanostructures during creation technological processes for building nanodevices

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I.D. Voitovich
A.I Zolot
N.I. Khodakovsky
A.A. Merzhvinsky
P.A. Merzhvinsky


The possibilities of combined systems, which consist of units of the electron and scanning tunneling lithography and lead to the experimental samples of nanodevices of the structures up to several tens of atomic layers. It is shown that the creation of an electronic device nanoscale can be achieved by combining the technology of formation of nanostructures in the «tip-substrate» and the presence of the control unit for high-speed building set programmatically nanoelements

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How to Cite
Voitovich, I. ., Zolot, A., Khodakovsky, N. ., Merzhvinsky, A. ., & Merzhvinsky, P. . (2011). Managing the properties of nanostructures during creation technological processes for building nanodevices. Electronics and Communications, 16(1), 12–14.
Nanostructures and nanotechnology in electronics


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