Radiation resistance of ohmic contacts to n-GaAs

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A.V. Ivashchuk


Radiation firmness of ohmic contacts of unipolar transistors with the Schottky barrier on GaAs, made by two types of technology, is research in this work. The limit size of maximally possible dose of irradiation, which does not result in degradation of ohmic contacts parameters and its morphology, is defined. It is 2,58×104 Сl/kg, that on order higher, than transistors’ radiation firmness

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How to Cite
Ivashchuk, A. . (2010). Radiation resistance of ohmic contacts to n-GaAs. Electronics and Communications, 15(3), 46–48. https://doi.org/10.20535/2312-1807.2010.15.3.306024
Solid-state electronics


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