Aluminum oxynitride dielectric films prepared by reactive sputtering

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О. Мачулянський
Александра Владимировна Борисова
М. К. Родионов
В. Смілик
Ю. Якименко


Influence of technological modes of synthesis of aluminum oxynitride films by a method of magnetron reactive sputtering on their physical and chemical parameters is probed. Studied by IR spectroscopy and Auger electron microscopy and elemental, phase and structural composition of the synthesized films. Features of spectral and electro-physical parameters of films are discussed. Chemical stability of films is probed. Recommendations about modes of synthesis of films of electro-physical parameters of films providing optimization on the given their operational properties are received.

References 13, figures 3, table 1.


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How to Cite
Мачулянський, О., Борисова, А. В., Родионов, М. К., Смілик, В., & Якименко, Ю. (2015). Aluminum oxynitride dielectric films prepared by reactive sputtering. Electronics and Communications, 20(3), 31.
Solid-state electronics


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